My Hypothesis Was..........

 Correct! Subject #1 was held at a constant temperature of 85 degrees Fahrenheit and lost 80 percent of its weight during decomposition measured over a 28-day period. 

Subject #2 which was held at a constant 43 degrees Fahrenheit lost 0% of its body weight and never entered the phase of active decomposition over the 28-day time frame. 

My hypothesis for this experiment stated, " A carcass exposed to higher temperatures will decompose at a quicker pace than one exposed to colder temperatures."

Given the data that I collected over the 28 day period, by measuring the weight of each subject and visually analyzing the subjects, it is clear to see that the subject exposed to warmer climates decomposed at a much faster pace than the one exposed to colder climates. 

Results Table 


Subject 1/

85 degrees

Subject 2/

43 degrees

Subject 3/

72 degrees

Day 1

.05 oz

.06 oz

.04 oz

Day 7

.04 oz

.06 oz

.04 oz

Day 15

.03 oz

.06 oz

.03 oz

Day 28

.01 oz

.06 oz

.03 oz

Day 28 


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