WOW!!! This is it! Week 14 and my last blog post of the semester! I sure do hope I am able to participate again next semester! Although I did start out rough this semester as it was my first time in the TRAIN program, my first time as a full-time student, I started a new job, and the usual madness with my children, I feel like I finished strong and produced a research paper that I am proud of! This was the first time I had done anything like this, and even though it was overwhelming at first, and I was doubting my ability to complete the program, I fought through it and stayed strong, and here we are, I DID IT!

It has truly been an honor to be able to follow along on everyone's research journeys and meet with such amazing faculty and staff members who are more than willing to help you out if you need it! Amanda C. was amazing and truly understanding of my struggles in the beginning. Joshua J. was also an amazing help when it came to me struggling to find resources. I can not thank them enough for helping me navigate this semester.

I look forward to hearing as many presentations as I can, and I can not wait to present mine to everyone as well! Hope everyone has a fantastic finals week!


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